Stories worth sharing

Testimonial from Diane

Participant of the iFOCUS program

Diane completed the iFOCUS program together with her husband, who has passed away a few months before recording this interview. She talks about how the iFOCUS program has helped her and her husband talk about difficult topics and how it brought them closer together.

Testimonial from FOCUS+ nurses

The FOCUS+ nurses from the DIAdIC project talk about how rewarding it is to be a part of the project and to be a FOCUS+ nurse.

Testimonial from Marc and Vera

Participants of the FOCUS+ program

Marc and Vera completed the FOCUS+ program together. They talk about how the program helped them to be more open towards each other and helped them cope with the changes in their intimate relationship.

Testimonial from FOCUS+ nurses

The FOCUS+ nurses from the DIAdIC project talk about what the most important parts are of the FOCUS+ program and how it is different from standard care.